Laboratory of Black Island and White Island
Stones of Oshima Island, Stones of Niijima Island, Glue, Acrylic medium, Paper, Satin,
In this Laboratory, I studied the history and culture of a Black Island and a White Island. These two Islands are in the Virtual World I have created.

Resarch and Investigation
・Literature and design based on the virtual myth “Princess of Black Camellia and Princess of White Camellia”

6進法の世界 6hexadeworldcimal

研究メモ Research note

炎の実 Fruits of fire 装飾文様 Decorative pattern

女王の睫毛紋 Eyelashes of Queen 吉祥椿舟 Wedding camellia boat

6進法の世界 6hexadeworldcimal
研究内容 2
Resarch and Investigation 2
・Investigation and restoration of virtual excavated articles

白はなカナブン White flower beetle

黒はなカナブン Black flower beetle

出土建築部材 Excavated pillar

魔法陣と王家の紋章 Magic square and the royal emblem

王家の紋章の描かれた、平行世界へのワープ装置 Warp tool drawn with royal emblem to the parallel world
研究内容 3
・Reproduction of wall paintings in virtual ruins with original techniques and materials

白椿のつぼみ Bud of white camellia

黒椿のつぼみ Bud of black camellia

白い島と黒い島の石 Stones of white island and black island

撮影 Kaori Satou

撮影 Kaori Satou

作業エリア Working area

黒い島と白い島の溶岩顔料 pigments from Black Island and White Island

色見本 Color swatch

装飾文様 Decorative pattern

装飾文様 Decorative pattern