Island-hopping and typhoon
Canvas on panel, Lava pigment, Acrylic medium, Typhoon

8/21 竹芝桟橋発22:50
8/22 八丈島底土港着8:50 八丈島泊
8/23 八丈島底土港発8:30 連絡船ゆり丸
8/24 天候不良のため連絡船ゆり丸欠航。
8/25 青ヶ島ヘリポート発9:45 連絡ヘリ愛らんどシャトル
八丈島空港着10:05 八丈島泊
8/26 八丈島底土港発8:45 東海汽船橘丸
8/27 三宅島連泊
8/28 三宅島三池港発13:35 東海汽船橘丸
8/29 旧波浮小学校教室にてパネル製作開始。
8/31 2019 アートアイランズTOKYO オープンング
9/1 パネル7枚に下地塗り。
9/3 青ヶ島、八丈島、三宅島、大島、新島、式根島で
9/6 溶岩顔料で描画開始
9/8 台風15号襲来
9/9 教室の窓全壊。
9/11 作品上の飛散物定着。
9/13 7枚の作品を壁面に立て掛けて展示。
Aug/21 Departure from Tokyo city Takeshiba Pier at 22:50 by Large passenger ship Tachibana-maru. Overnight in the ship
Aug/22 Arrival on Hachijo-jima Island Sokodo Port at 8:50 Stay at Hachijo-jima
Aug/23 Departure from Hachijo-jima Island Sokodo Port at 8:30 by Ferry
Arrival on Aogashima Island Sanbou Port at 12:30
Stay at Aogashima Island
Aug/24 erry Yuri-maru was canceled due to bad weather.
Onemore night stay at Aogashima Island
Aug/25 Departure from Aogashima Island heliport at 9:45 by Island Shuttle helicopter. Arrived at Hachijojima Airport at 10:05. Stay at Hachijo-jima
Aug/26 Departure from Hachijo-jima Island Sokodo Port at 8:45 by Large passenger ship Tachibana-maru
Arrival on Miyakejima Island Miike Port at 13:25.
Aug/27 Stay at Miyakejima Island
Aug/28 Departure from Miyakejima Island Miike Port at 13:35 by Large passenger ship Tachibana-maru. Arrival on Oshima Island OkadaPort at 16:10
Aug/29 Start to make panels at former Habu elementary school classroom
Aug/31 Opening of 2019 Art Islands TOKYO
Sep/1 Paint a base on 7 panels with Gesso
Sep/3 Start to make pigments with lava collected at Aogashima, Hachijo-jima, Miyakejima, Oshima ,Niijima and Shikinejima Islamds
Sep/6 Start drowing with lava-stone pigments
Sep/8 Typhoon No. 15 attack
Sep/9 Classroom window completely destroyed. Glass pieces etc. scattered on unfinished work.
It was so beautiful that I recognized it was a completed art work.
Sep/11 Fix glass pieces and scattered objects on the panel
Sep/13 Display with seven panels on the wall.