Floating spirits in the Sea
Fishing net, Heart shaped objects (made with newspaper) , Woods

Floating spirits in the Sea
Once upon a time, there was the Sea.
On the bottom of the Sea,
was a little volcano.
From the top of this volcano,
I was born as a tiny bubble.
While floating in the Sea half-asleep,
I was suddenly pulled to the land.
I woke up as a human being.

The Sea of Iceland

Floating spirits in the sea

Floating spirits in the sea

Floating spirits in the sea

Floating spirits in the sea

Lava stone field of Iceland 溶岩の平野

Long boat shaped object-1 舟型作品-1

Constellation of stars, aurora, thunder,contract 星座、雲、オーロラ、雷、契約

Long boat shaped object-2 舟型作品-2

A fish, a ring, two fish

Long boat shaped object-3 舟型作品-3 The sky, the sea and a big fish 空と海と魚

Boat shaped objects 舟型作品

Boat shaped objects 舟型作品 Silver star, Black star, shooting 銀の星、黒い星、流れる