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Ayumi Tonokura

コロナ禍でのアートアイランドTOKYO 2020第10回国際現代美術展について

Art Islands TOKYO 2020 The 10th International Contemporary Art Exhibition under the pandemic of COVID-19




Art Islands TOKYO 2020 The 10th International Contemporary Art Exhibition was a special exhibition under the special circumstances of an unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19.
Since it is impossible for artists to gather on the island to create works like before, the executive committee of Art Islands TOKYO has adopted a unique form of exhibition in which Esquis art works of participating artists are continuously exhibited and updated at the web venue.
Based on that intention, I exhibited the concept of "Art work that functions as a device to see the other side of the border" on the web venue of Art Islands TOKYO 2020 .




to see the other side of the border...

今までArt Islands Tokyoに参加し,島々を巡ることによって、「島とは海という境界によって独立あるいは隔絶した孤高の存在なのだ」と実感しました。 たとえ目に見える距離に他の島や陸地があったとしても、境界を超えることは人間には(動植物にとっても)中々の労力を要する行いです。それでも有史以前から人類は何らかの理由で境界を越えていきました。

By participating in Art Islands Tokyo and visiting the islands, I realized that "islands are independent or isolated by the sea -border." Even if it’s a visible close distance, crossing the border is a hard task for humans (and for plants and animals flora and fauna). Nevertheless, humans have crossed the border for some reason since prehistoric times.
It is not only the sea that can be the border, but also the mountains or rivers, not only the geographical features but also the history, politics, or the invisible consciousness of the people. It can be said that the other side is a kind of different world for this side, this side is a kind of different world for the other side.
Different worlds exist everywhere, and the border that create the different worlds are also exist everywhere. And crossing such border is still a hard task.

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© 2016 by Ayumi TONOKURA

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